Build React Apps Offline

Build React Apps Offline

Are you far from areas that have stable network and you really need to build an app?

Or do you want to create react apps without being connected to the internet?

Do you know that there is a way you can create react apps offline without downloading files from the internet over and over again?

This method is simple and it's guaranteed to save your bandwidth and also gives you the flexibility to code in deserts…😉

You don’t need to do anything complicated to create React apps offline. Check this out.

How to Create React Apps Offline (CRAO)

The first important thing to do is to install CRAO CLI. This lets you install everything you need to create React apps without being connected to the internet.

npm install -g create-react-app-offline

Installing this simply means that you have all the tools needed to make React work without being connected to the internet. Super simple.

From here, you can proceed to use React the same way but you would have to use crao instead of the regular cra.

Still in doubt? Turn off your internet and you would see that this truly works.

Let’s try it:

crao -n my-offline-app

This would create a my-offline-app directory inside the folder you are in.

The directory would contain the expected react structure and other dependencies. No complications. Start building your React app offline with this method.

Once you are done installing your app, you can open your project:

cd my-offline-app

See what your app looks like:

npm start


yarn start

Code on and enjoy offline freedom!